Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dinner at Home - It's More Important Than You Think

Dinner at Home - It's More Important Than You Think
By []Rachael J Avery 

Pssst. Did you know every time you answer the question, "What's For Dinner? There's Nothing to Eat" without stopping at the grocery store, restaurant, or using a recipe from a cookbook you ignite a potential burning inside waiting to be called a Master Chef? Obsessively and relentlessly pursuing the art of taking inventory of what groceries you have and creating something out of nothing from home lends its way to a culinary spark of confidence that could possibly radiate your soul and help you to slice and dice other life challenges in the process. Rest assured, making dinner at home can give you more than just a few bucks in your pocket and improves family relationships, although this alone is good enough reasons to boil the water. What life shift does your soul crave?

• Do you want to lose weight?

• Do you want to improve a relationship with a loved one?

• Do you want a fulfilling career?

• Do you want to stop an addiction?

• Do you want to heal from painful childhood memories?

The process of cooking dinner at home and using only what you already have to create dinner out of what may seem like "nothing" unleashes an inner creativity you could not otherwise see glowing within you. Take weight loss for example. Common challenges for wellness improvement usually go something like this:

• I don't have time.

• I don't have the right equipment.

• I cannot afford the services or equipment needed.

• I have such a long way to go. It's hopeless.

• It's too expensive.

Daunting goals of personal transformation illuminate once you experience something inside you glowing furiously; undiscovered relentless brilliance. Stepping into the kitchen and cooking to your ability, in your own way, is culinary training wheels of self-discovery. Let the kitchen show you how brilliant you are through salad dressing. Yes. Salad dressing. The salad dressing you made up from jam, olive oil, and vinegar when you ran out of your favorite bottled brand. When you accidentally burnt the garlic bread and encouraged yourself to make Cajun croutons instead of mentally beating yourself up for making a mistake and throwing them out. These are examples to remind you that your attitude in the kitchen may take your further than you think. In fact, if you can't stand the heat of life, get your butt in the kitchen to gently teach you how to fight back.

Lessons of self-care, forgiveness, fun, creativity, and hope in changing your life can be found right under your own roof, lingering in the air, and unleashed the moment you answer, "What's For Dinner? There's Nothing to Eat". The more you make dinner at home the louder, more confident, and sometimes cocky your Inner Master Chef grows. Pretty soon your Inner Master Chef tells your Master Life Chef exactly how to lose weight, recover from a job loss, tackle that addiction, and heal painful childhood memories by using what you already have to create results out of nothing.

So why not start tonight? Do you know what you're having for dinner? If not, I invite you to use a grateful approach using what you have to inspire you. I am not a nutritionist, dietician, or personal trainer. I'm just a certified human being whom has transformed just about every aspect of her life including a 60 lbs weight loss, reinvent in a new career, and living in alignment with my true calling so I can be happy. Really happy. That journey started by answer the only question I could at times, "What's For Dinner? There's Nothing to Eat?" Turns out it was exactly the answer I needed to transform my life. Eating dinner at home these days not only saves me a few bucks, and gives me quality family conversations at the table, but it helps me throw up my oven mitts when life decides to heat things up. If you're ready to get serious about transforming your life but just don't know where to start, try these 3 steps to getting grateful while cooking dinner at home:

1. Take inventory of what you already have in the kitchen. Pull spices out of the cupboard while you cook, throw away expired ingredients, and say out loud, "I have 4 cumin's. That's interesting". This is the first step in training your brain to see what you already have every time you're in the kitchen. No need to take half a day to take inventory. Take inventory as you cook.

2. Look at what you have differently. Looking to have pizza night but don't see that you have any crust? How about rolling out a piece of bread as a tasty crust or how about seeing a tortilla as a thin crust? Practice looking at what you have differently by asking any ingredient, "What else could you possibly be used for?"

3. Affirm and commit that you are in the kitchen to make dinner and you're not leaving until something magical happens. Grab a pan, start dicing onion and bell peppers even if you're unsure as to what the end result will be. Step first in the kitchen then have faith that inspiration will bite you to create something brilliant. OK. If not brilliant, at least something eatable.

Dinner empowerment may just be the hope you've been looking for. Small, fun, teeny tiny incremental steps in the kitchen can add up to turbo amounts of confidence outside the kitchen. Taking inventory of what you already have in your life can help may help you lose weight like it did me, looking at what you have differently in your life can help you mend broken relationships with loved ones like it did mine, and affirming and committing that I have an inner strength can help you re-invent an entirely new career and life just like it did me. If not, at least you got a healthy nutrition home cooked meal out of the deal. Good luck and I can't wait to see what your Master Chef is cooking up for your life.

I am not a nutritionist, dietician, or personal trainer. I'm just a certified human being who has transformed just about every aspect of my life... first by stepping into my kitchen, asking myself "whats for dinner... there's nothing to eat? and then being totally grateful for what was in my pantry that I could work with. You can follow my blog at:

Article Source: [] Dinner at Home - It's More Important Than You Think

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